Rocklabs Hydraulic Crusher

The Rocklabs Hydraulic Crusher trims excess material from rock samples and drills cores prior to pulverizing.

Hydraulic Crusher Hero 1440x1440

The Rocklabs Hydraulic Crusher prepares trace metal samples prior to pulverising in a ROCKLABS Ring Mill or similar piece of equipment. It is designed to be easy to use, simple to maintain and cost-efficient to operate. The Hydraulic Crusher can trim and break rock samples or split drill cores up to 150mm in diameter. Rock samples for up to 50mm can be crushed to minus 5mm or less.

  • Single-person operation
  • Tungsten quality componentry used throughout
  • Minimal maintenance
  • Industry-standard Enerpac Hydraulics
  • Accessible parts and servicing world-wide


Width x Height x Depth

1850 x 900 x 700mm

Shipping Weight


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